
FREE & Low Fee Life Coaching

Learn More About Power Sessions

The free power sessions are not intended to treat a serious mental illness or addiction. If you are struggling with thoughts about ending your life, self-harm, or harming others, this isn’t right for you. These all should be worked over a longer period of time with a licensed counsellor. While I can make any claims or promises, Dr. David Burns has been doing 2-3 hour power sessions almost exclusively for the past 10years with a 90% success rate. I’m NO David Burns and can’t match that rate, but we can get you set up for sucess on the right track to move forward.

So what is it right for?

  • learning healthy thinking tools to deal with current painful emotions and negative thoughts.
  • specific mental health goals such as wanting more happiness, peace of mind, or self-worth..
  • dealing with challenges to these goals such as feeling inadequate, worthless, depressed, or anxious.
  • working through challenges as you go through any of Dr. David Burns materials, books, or podcasts.
  • getting a head start on feeling better with a plan to continue with a self-help program or working with a professional..

How do FREE sessions work?

Do a 20min consultation with me. Then fill in a lengthly screen form. If we decide this is the right fit for you, you then will be assigned a book to read before we meet for our free power session. You will also be given a DML (Daily Mood Log) to fill in (we only need one for our session together). I may have room for up to 8 follow up sessions, but I can’t guarantee you a slot. This will depend on several factors including how well the FREE session went, if you did all the homework assigned during the consultation, and my schedule.

Here is a list of expectations:

  • have a follow up plan in case you experience a trigger to past trauma, suicidal urges/thoughts, or other issue beyond the scope of our working together.
  • completely read the book we decide on during the consultation.
  • complete at least one Daily Mood Log (this will be explained in the consultation & in David’s books)
  • fill in the screening form screening form.
  • book your free 3hour power session
  • work on your own after the session to continue building on what you learned. The hard work starts AFTER our session as you implement the tools.
  • I may offer you a follow-up session(s) at my discretion at a reduced fee (see below).

Books we work from and when it’s a good choice, all of these are by Dr. David Burns. You will likely be assigned both When Panic Attacks and Feeling Great although this could change:

  • “When Panic Attacks” for feelings of depression and anxiety or just anxiety.
  • “The Feeling Good Handbook” for feelings of depression around yourself and the social world around you.
  • “10 Days to Self-Esteem” for feelings of depression, worthlessness, and inadequacy.
  • “Feeling Good” for depression. David’s oldest book and tested to be as effective as drugs or traditional therapy for depression.
  • .”Feeling Great” for any of the above. David’s newest book, good for those that want to see how this works in real life. Lots of stories!

I’m In! How do I get a FREE or low cost session?

If you think this approach maybe right for you and you’d like to explore it further here are the next steps:

What about your low cost options?

Perhaps you already know you won’t meet the criteria for free session or you are thinking you may want to have follow up sessions after the free power session. There is limited availability for weekly low cost sessions and I often have a 4 to 6 week wait list.

How much is the low fee rate? $110cad for 45min is my standard reduced rate or $75cad for those in lower income countries or out of work or limited income. However we can discuss what might fit into your budget and create a payment plan and schedule that works for both of us. I can go as low as $35cad per session for up to 6 weekly sessions or 2 months maximum, whichever comes first ($210cad/~$165us). We can discuss what will work within your budget during the consultation.

Like free sessions, there are expectations/criteria for the low fee option as well. During free 20min consultation we will decide on a couple books for you depending on what you want to work on. You will have to read both the books entirely before we meet, and complete a DML, Relationship Journal, or Habit Log (depending on what we are working on) before we meet for your first session (but after the 20min consultation). .

Feel free to email me any specific questions about a free session, or my sliding scale for lower cost weekly sessions, or book a free consultation here.

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