Let’s face it the five secrets of effective communication are a challenge to learn and implement. And they’re even more difficult when you’re facing an angry client. Although I’ll say in personal situations they’re even more challenging but Either way it can be very helpful to practice doing your 5 secrets in video format so that you can really immerse yourself in the process. That’s what this mini course is all about practicing your 5 secrets of effective communication with an angry client.
In this course there are several vignettes followed by a video of me portraying the angry client. You’ll then have the opportunity to record a video response of your own 5 secrets. Feel free to practice a couple times before sending in your submission or submit your first attempt if you are practicing for your level 3 exam. I will then give you feedback on your video submission. One feedback per vignette including in the course price. It is preferred if you complete the course in under two weeks, but I am flexible.
You can also use these vignettes to practice Changing the Focus as well.
I hope this practice will be helpful to you please send me an e-mail if you are needing more information.
If you need a discounted price use this coupon for 50% off: 5TJ6GF109