Using food to alter gene expression so you can live longer and have quality of life. Learn the powerhouse foods that are loaded with nutrients that fight disease. This nutrition course assumes you understand basic nutrition such as what are RDA’s, calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. See Nutrition 4 Optimal Health for all this info and more.
This course will dig deeper into specific nutrients and how those affect the body. From our DNA and food to how to glean specific nutrients from certain foods. From phytochemicals to omega 3, learn why we need these nutrients and where to get them from.
Discover how studies involving supplements vs studies on diet show eating whole foods provides more benefits than pills, in fact supplements have NOT been shown to reduce the risk of disease. Become knowledgeable in how to choose foods to prevent disease. After this course, you will be able to create menus filled with powerful nutrients, based on an optimal diet for longevity and quality of life. Includes a section on being a health coach for those who want to share health with others.
What you will be able to after this course:
- You will understand how food affects our DNA.
- You will be able to avoid a few of the pitfalls that hurt our DNA and our bodies.
- You will be able to identify which foods are the most powerful antioxidants.
- You will be able to create meals and menus that provide the most benefits to your body.
- You’ll have enough information to decide if you want to pursue a career in nutrition.
- You will have some of the tools needed to start your own health coaching practice.
PS: As with all my training if you need financial assistance use this 50% off coupon or email me if you can’t afford this: 5TJ6GF109