Experience the POWER of plant-based nutrition even if you don’t want to go vegan!
Cookbooks written by Angela Poch, Healthy Home Cookin’ seen on 3ABN – with an emphasis on taste combined with health. Angela has a diploma in Plant-based Nutrition from Total Health School of Nutrition, accredited in Alberta, Canada. These recipes have a heavy emphasis on whole food cooking but there some use of oils and sugar with alternatives if you want to remove those as well. Check out the FREE cookbooks to see more!
Sorry we no longer offer hardcopies, all cookbooks are PDF downloads.
You will NOT need to enter any personal information to download the FREE cookbooks, click the curriculum tab above to view a list of the cookbooks and download the free ones.
We also have a variety of online health courses for the vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian, and loveaore. The first three also come with cookbooks and cooking demos!
* Vegan Vegetarian Cooking School
* Nutrition 2 Fight Inflammation
* Nutrition 4 Optimal Health – focus on plant-based
PS: As with all my training if you need financial assistance use this 50% off coupon or email me if you can’t afford this: 5TJ6GF109