Learn how to deal with internal deep seated stressors, namely negative emotions. This program talks in depth about anger, hurt, and forgiveness.
Really, forgiveness and stress are related?
Learn skills to deal with pain, anger, and hurt in this program put on by Cameron Johnston, MscPH who has taught stress management to thousands of people for over 25 years.
One John Hopkins article states, “There is an enormous physical burden to being hurt and disappointed,” says Karen Swartz, M.D. , director of the Mood Disorders Adult Consultation Clinic at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Chronic anger puts you into a fight-or-flight mode, which results in numerous changes in heart rate, blood pressure and immune response . Those changes, then, increase the risk of depression, heart disease and diabetes, among other conditions. Forgiveness, however, calms stress levels, leading to improved health.” https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/forgiveness-your-health-depends-on-it
Course Objectives:
- Discover what destroys peace of mind
- Why forgiveness isn’t acceptance of wrong
- How anger can be a good thing
- Find out what forgiveness really is and what it isn’t
PS: As with all my training if you need financial assistance use this 50% off coupon or email me if you can’t afford this: 5TJ6GF109