Whether getting started or having provided therapy/coaching for years, this customized mentoring and training program adds effectiveness to your approach while working on self-compassion, by mastering TEAM-CBT tools and approach. LIVE personal work groups, case consultations, training with practice, and one-on-one mentoring, take the theoretical into the real world so you have confidence. Get direct feedback from a TEAM-CBT Level 4 Advanced Therapist and Trainer!
This comprehensive yet flexible program is unlike any other, as it is customizable to your specific needs as a coach, therapist, student, or anyone interested in using TEAM-CBT with others, regardless of profession (but keep in mind this is a training program). Your time is precious; spend it where you need it most! Take the classes that work for you and leave the rest! Can’t make it live? Watch the recordings and practice in the Monday group, with me during a mentoring session, or on your own.
We have a love it or leave it policy. Try it out with no obligation to continue, or stay as long as you like.
Warning: This isn’t for everyone. Depending on your current skill level and understanding, it does require commitment to master TEAM-CBT, but by the end of 6 months, you will be confidently working with clients using the TEAM-CBT framework. Stay for 2 years and get it all: mood work, habit work, and relationship work!
Who is this program for:
- Therapists & Coaches who want to add more powerful tools to help clients with feelings of blue, down, anxiousness, and worry.
- Clinicians who want to master TEAM-CBT and go beyond just understanding it, to really implement it.
- Those who have taken the Feeling Good Institute Fast Track or other training but want more hands on support and practice.
- For those in private practice or FGI clinicians that would like more networking and personalized mentoring.
Who is this program isn’t for:
- Those looking for a quick, weekend course.
- Clinicians who learn things once and don’t want any repetition.
- Someone who doesn’t have time to put into the practice, training, or for personal self-care.
- Those who don’t want to learn from their mistakes.
- The general public who’d like to use this instead of getting therapy.
What’s included:
LIVE case consultation groups, personal work small groups, and 2 hour training/practice classes, held twice a month. The 2 hour training class is recorded for those who can’t attend live, other groups may be recorded, you’ll always have the option to ask for the recording to be deleted or edited. Join as few or as many as you need to support you in implementing the tools and help you move forward in your career goals.
Monthly* personalized mentoring session for whatever you need, case consult, personal work, QnA, skills training, or just to chat. *some exceptions apply, see below.
COST: $150-500 CAD per month, which includes all the live training, video modules, personal work/case consultation groups, etc. PLUS a one-on-one mentoring session with Angela Poch, level 4, each month. USE The “Membership” button (NOT buy now). The following coupon codes are listed for a financial break, which most of us need these days!).
- $150 = 150mstrclss
- $200 = 200mstrclss
- $250 = 250mstrclss
- $300 = 200mstrclss
- $400 = 400mstrclss
WANT MORE SUPPORT? There are 2 limited, special VIP slots available that include 2 one-on-one sessions per month and HIGH priority for WhatsApp/email response – $750CND month. Talk to Cassie for details.
Can’t afford $150 per month? We also offer a discounted version with NO one-on-one mentoring. You’ll get all the live groups and training videos but NO one-on-one mentoring for $100 or whatever you can afford. IE: get the “discounted” masterclass for $100 using discount code 100mstrclss or $50 using code 50mstrclss or reach out to me with what you can afford.
Disclaimer: This program is not associated with FGI. My classes are NOT accredited by the ICF or other Coaching Association. Legal matters regarding licensing and using mental health tools should be verified by a lawyer in your jurisdiction as well as any association you are currently part of, as licensing boards have various requirements.
- Acknowledge the conditions of the program - see curriculum tab
- Willing to practice and learn through repetition
- Willing to share contact info with other group members