Trainer, Life Coach, Clinical Counsellor

Clients… discover practical ways to deal with feeling blah, excessive worry, social anxiety, relationship woes, habit struggles, or anger issues using video chat therapy or life coaching. Develop patience, have more happiness, and improve all types of relationships.

Clinicians… be more effective with your clients while embracing self-care to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue.

Programs, Training & Courses

Fast paced (compared to conventional therapy), skill building for ongoing stress, feeling overwhelmed, feelings of inadequacy and more.

Lasting results. Learn coping skills for a lifetime!

Feel understood. Warm, supportive space for ALL.

Tools that work! TEAM-CBT & more.

Faith based for Christians.

Training for therapist’s and life coaches.

Self-help courses.

Tools that Help!

Excessive worry, depression, and stress can be reduced

Even eliminated, regardless of how you got there but it does require some effort. Working on recovery is collaborative so expect to purchase reading materials and commit to doing homework before we meet and in between sessions..

FREE & Low Cost Resources

Training for Therapist’s & Coaches

Info for 7th day Adventists

Peace, Happiness, Achievement

Hopeless, worthless, nervous, anxious, tense, inadequate, ashamed! We all get stuck from time to time, none of us are immune from that. Different issues can get in the way of growth or interrupt client success. Truth is sometimes we need help and we don’t want it to take years to our clients or ourselves to feel better! I teach and use a client-centered, cognitive, evidence-based approach called TEAM-CBT which has been shown to work especially well for feeling inadequate/inferior, anxiety, relationship challenges, procrastination, unmanaged stress, as well as for personal growth and wellness goals. We’ll work together using a variety of tools looking for the ones that work best for you or your clients!

Angela Poch

Founder Higher Path


What People are saying

From clients and clinicians Angela's has worked with.

Angela is a knowledgeable professional and personable, caring coach. She is a great public speaker.
Magda C. Bonners Ferry, USA
Before meeting Angela, I felt like I was just experimenting with TEAM CBT. Now I feel like I’m actually using TEAM CBT. I’ve had so many clients that I was stuck with and learning from Angela helped me get unstuck so that my clients progressed and found complete freedom from their difficulties.
Katie Parenti
Learn from the best. Make better communication your goal. If your goal is to have better relationships, the first thing you need to do is a sign up for a session with Angela.


Optimal Health

FREE 2 hr course – Your Journey to a Long & Happy Life with simple, proven lifestyle choices without the hype of fad diets & supplements.

Healthy Thinking

FREE book! Learn how thoughts, emotions, and behaviour interact in your mind and start to take charge of your own thoughts.

Other Resources

Courses, blog, and workshops. Some online, some in person. See what is currently available or book one for your organization.

Develop patience, have more happiness, and improve all types of relationships.

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